November 19, 2016

By 2021:

Each congregation of the Pacific Central District has close relationships with at least one other congregation, characterized by shared resources and collaboration in things like purchasing, legal services, software, resources for youth, and shared experiences.[1] This collaboration extends to a common vision around district growth, with support for new congregations that extend Unitarian Universalism.[2]

 The congregations’ deep knowledge and use of what is offered by the UUA is enhanced by easy access to best practices, transformative experiences, and success stories, available to all regardless of financial ability.[3]

Youth are in full partnership within the District, participating in events like area wide community service and joyful and life changing District Assemblies.[4]

The Board and Congregational Life (CL) Staff work closely together to identify needed staff resources, and insure familiarity with other organizations within the UU eco-system, such as the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, UU-United Nations, and Partner Church. [5]


[Footnotes refer to suggestions for measurement of each statement]



[1] Annual survey of Congregational Presidents, data from CL on participants in shared services

[2] Number of new congregations and/or experiments to create them

[3] Annual survey of Congregational Presidents, inventory of knowledge access

[4] Observations from Board members and CL staff, DA survey and attendance

[5] Annual survey of Congregational Presidents, observations from Board members and CL staff, hiring decisions